All of this seems to have washed over Francisco Bosch who, after all, has other fish to fry. "It didn't bother me. I did the job, we saw a screening of the movie as it was meant to be, and it was beautiful, and that was the end of that." His apparent sang-froid is explained by the fact that Bosch is not primarily an actor. He's a dancer with the English National Ballet, and so, with his days taken up with classes, rehearsals and performances, he has little time to fret about such things. At the time of writing, he's preparing a series of new pieces for a three-day choreographic workshop, as well as rehearsing the company's huge production of Romeo & Juliet. He's too interested in trying to stop smoking, in finding time out to practice rollerblading or see his boyfriend, to worry about homophobic film critics.
люди... я правильно поняла, или..................
| понедельник, 05 марта 2007